PT Tribuana Global Grup (TB Global Group) is an entity that was founded in 2023 as a holding company. This company covers various business lines and has developed into a national company with a capable portfolio.
It all started from a small business founded by Mr Toni Lim in 1998 in Pekanbaru, Riau. With persistence and strong determination, Mr Toni Lim succeeded in developing the business several years into a large national scale company.
TB Global Group's active involvement in the manufacturing and building materials sector in Indonesia has been proven by establishing a track record of success.
With a diverse business portfolio, ranging from manufacturing and distribution of building materials, heavy-duty trucks & equipments, agribusiness, trading and services, property & construction, TB Global Group can take advantage of new opportunities and encourage growth in facing dynamic market conditions in the future.

Mr Toni Lim is the Founder and Commissioner of PT Tribuana Global Grup. With persistence and strong determination, within several years, he succeeded in developing a small business in Pekanbaru, Riau into a large national scale company and was heavily involved in manufacturing and development in Indonesia.
Dreams begin with the first step,
and ends only when arriving at the destination.
Managing Director
TB Global Group is like a lighthouse that guides ships in determining location or direction. In terms of organization, TB Global Group plays the role of navigation for all business lines through an effective coordination approach, consolidating, planning, developing and monitoring, and collaborating with all business lines to accelerate in order to achieve greater goals.
All the growth we experience is based on utilizing the strengths we have. With that Power, we can establish connections with anyone, collaborate, and connect with internal and external teams. The impact will produce high productivity, resulting in work and achievements. This is in line with TB Global tagline, ”Power to Connect and Create.”

Vision Mission

To be a Powerful Trustworthy Enterprise to Create Dynamic Society Impacts in Asia Pacific.

Empowering and Connecting Society Impactful Enterprise for Stakeholders.

Power to Connect and Create
Core Value
The DNA of a company is defined as the values/ core values/ beliefs passed down by the Founder/ Shareholder to the organization and all its employees to be socialized and internalized by the expectations of the Founder/ Shareholder.
TB Global Group DNA is stated to be the unifier of the diversity of companies in the TB Global Group. So whatever the position and type of company, TB Global Group people will always have uniform values.
Patience & Persistence
TB Global Group employees have patience and perseverance supported by a strong mentality to achieve company goals and face business challenges.
TB Global Group employees have an optimistic attitude in achieving goals, are open-minded and proactive in ensuring stakeholder needs & expectations are met.
Willingness to Learn
TB Global Group employees always learn, grow and innovate so that the company is more advanced and able to adapt to changing times.
TB Global Group employees have high integrity and adhere to moral values, ethics and a vision and mission that are in line with the Founding Father.
TB Global Group employees prioritize common interests rather than personal ego, sincerely respect each other and are able to collaborate as a team.
- 2024
PT Karya Teknik Teknik (KTM) was founded in 2024 in Jakarta. This company is engaged in trading spare parts and repair workshops.
PT Karya Global Indonesia Mandiri (KGIM) was founded in 2024 in Jakarta. This company is engaged in the construction sector which includes the construction of housing, offices, industry, health, education, accommodation and interior decoration of buildings.
MG Traktor was founded in Jakarta. Specializing in wholesale trading of heavy tools and equipment. Mg Traktor offers a portfolio that includes spare parts for Heavy Equipment, Heavy Trucks and Industrial Machinery.
PT Tribuana Solusi Inovasi Teknologi (TSIT) was appointed as authorized DJI Agriculture and Dahua Technology in 2024.
- 2023
PT Citra Andalan Mobilindo Cemerlang was officially appointed as the authorized heavy-duty truck dealer for the Shacman brand from China.
The Building Material sector through GIAS Group already has 45 distribution points, while BLKP Group already has 8 factories and 1 lightweight steel distribution point spread throughout Indonesia and will continue to grow.
TB Global Group as the Super Holding Company of all of Mr. Toni Lim's companies was officially legally established under the name PT Tribuana Global Grup.
PT Bumi Citra Traktor Nusantara dan PT Citra Andalan Mobilindo Cemerlang established branches in Jakarta.
PT Grafika Asia Sukses (GAS) is a company founded in November 2023 in Jakarta. This company is engaged in wholesale trading of printing and publishing goods in various forms.
PT Banguntama Inti Global (BIG) is a company founded in December 2023 in Jakarta. This company is engaged in retail trading of various kinds of building materials, porcelain construction materials and metal goods for construction materials.
- 2022
TJI is a holding company in the Agribusiness sector under the auspices of Super Holding TB Global Group which was founded in 2022.
Adding new entities in the Agribusiness sector by establishing PT Tangguh Agro Persada, PT Bumi Inti Rezeki and also PT Trimitra Jaya Investama as the Holding Company for Palm Oil Business.
PT Bumi Citra Traktor Nusantara established a branch in Jambi.
PT Indo Gemilang Energi is a company founded in 2022 in Jakarta. This company has a purpose to support and participate in advancing the palm oil industry in Indonesia.
- 2021
Starting a business in the Agribusiness sector by establishing PT Trimitra Agro Jaya which operates in the field of trading palm oil products, followed by the acquisition of a Palm Oil Processing Company under the name PT Anugerah Tanjung Medan and PT Cipta Agro Sejati.
Developing a Heavy Duty Trucks & Equipments business by establishing PT Bumi Citra Traktor Nusantara as an official distributor of heavy equipment under the LiuGong brand.
- 2019
GIAS Group opened 9 new distribution points, so there are a total of 31 points.
BLKP Group already has 6 factories and 1 lightweight steel distribution point
- 2018
PT Sobute Global Indonesia was founded by TB Global Group due to collaboration with Sobute New Materials Co., Ltd. from China.
Business development in the Property and Construction sector through PT Bangun Inti Cemerlang.
- 2017
Establishment of PT Sunpevece Indo Deli, a building manufacturing company made from PVC raw materials under BLKP Group.
- 2016
GIAS Group already has 22 building material distribution points throughout Indonesia.
- 2015
BLKP Group inaugurates Representative Office in Kemayoran, North Jakarta.
BLKP Group inaugurates Representative Office in Kemayoran, North Jakarta.
PT Surya Inti Primakarya, which operates in export, import, trading and customs services, was officially established legally. This entity is the forerunner of the business in the Trading and Services sector of TB Global Group.
- 2014
Establishment of PT Intima Furnica Indonesia which operates in the furniture business sector, especially school furniture.
- 2012
PT Global Indonesia Buana Perkasa was founded. This company is engaged in manufacturing ventilator turbines.
- 2011
PT Global Indonesia Asia Sejahtera (GIAS) has officially been legally confirmed and all the building materials distributor business consolidated as GIAS Group.
Starting a business in the Property and Construction sector by establishing PT Propertindo Alam Lestari with the Global Mas Warehouse Complex project and PT Bangun Bumi Anugerah with the Pemuda City Walk Building and Commercial House project.
- 2010
To realize the vision of becoming a national-scale company, in 2010 TB Global Group officially opened an office in Jakarta.
- 2009
Trusted to be an Authenticated Dealer for Ramset, Rockwool and Akfix Products through PT Itewe Sarana Konstruksi.
- 2008
PT Bumi Lancang Kuning Pusaka (BLKP) is legally confirmed as a lightweight steel manufacturing business and became the forerunner of BLKP Group.
- 2007
TB Global Group opened the first distribution point for building materials on Java island, specifically in Bandung. This year we already have 10 building materials distribution points.
- 2003
Opened the first lightweight steel factory in Pekanbaru. This factory was the forerunner to the establishment of the BLKP Group as a manufacturer of lightweight steel roofs and frames.
PT Riau Profilindo Abadi was established to produce a gypsum-based profile.
- 1998
Mr. Toni Lim opened the first building shop in Pekanbaru, Riau under the name PD Tribuana which later changed its name to PT Tribuana Bumi Pusaka (TBP). This business became the forerunner of the entire company PT Tribuana Global Grup or TB Global Group.

PT Tribuana Solusi Inovasi Teknologi (TSIT) was appointed as authorized DJI Agriculture and Dahua Technology in 2024.

MG Traktor was founded in Jakarta. Specializing in wholesale trading of heavy tools and equipment. Mg Traktor offers a portfolio that includes spare parts for Heavy Equipment, Heavy Trucks and Industrial Machinery.

PT Karya Global Indonesia Mandiri (KGIM) was founded in 2024 in Jakarta. This company is engaged in the construction sector which includes the construction of housing, offices, industry, health, education, accommodation and interior decoration of buildings.

PT Karya Teknik Teknik (KTM) was founded in 2024 in Jakarta. This company is engaged in trading spare parts and repair workshops.

PT Banguntama Inti Global (BIG) is a company founded in December 2023 in Jakarta. This company is engaged in retail trading of various kinds of building materials, porcelain construction materials and metal goods for construction materials.

PT Grafika Asia Sukses (GAS) is a company founded in November 2023 in Jakarta. This company is engaged in wholesale trading of printing and publishing goods in various forms.

PT Bumi Citra Traktor Nusantara dan PT Citra Andalan Mobilindo Cemerlang established branches in Jakarta.

TB Global Group as the Super Holding Company of all of Mr. Toni Lim's companies was officially legally established under the name PT Tribuana Global Grup.

The Building Material sector through GIAS Group already has 45 distribution points, while BLKP Group already has 8 factories and 1 lightweight steel distribution point spread throughout Indonesia and will continue to grow.

PT Citra Andalan Mobilindo Cemerlang was officially appointed as the authorized heavy-duty truck dealer for the Shacman brand from China.

PT Indo Gemilang Energi is a company founded in 2022 in Jakarta. This company has a purpose to support and participate in advancing the palm oil industry in Indonesia.

PT Bumi Citra Traktor Nusantara established a branch in Jambi.

Adding new entities in the Agribusiness sector by establishing PT Tangguh Agro Persada, PT Bumi Inti Rezeki and also PT Trimitra Jaya Investama as the Holding Company for Palm Oil Business.

TJI is a holding company in the Agribusiness sector under the auspices of Super Holding TB Global Group which was founded in 2022.

Developing a Heavy Duty Trucks & Equipments business by establishing PT Bumi Citra Traktor Nusantara as an official distributor of heavy equipment under the LiuGong brand.

Starting a business in the Agribusiness sector by establishing PT Trimitra Agro Jaya which operates in the field of trading palm oil products, followed by the acquisition of a Palm Oil Processing Company under the name PT Anugerah Tanjung Medan and PT Cipta Agro Sejati.

BLKP Group already has 6 factories and 1 lightweight steel distribution point

GIAS Group opened 9 new distribution points, so there are a total of 31 points.

Business development in the Property and Construction sector through PT Bangun Inti Cemerlang.

PT Sobute Global Indonesia was founded by TB Global Group due to collaboration with Sobute New Materials Co., Ltd. from China.

Establishment of PT Sunpevece Indo Deli, a building manufacturing company made from PVC raw materials under BLKP Group.

GIAS Group already has 22 building material distribution points throughout Indonesia.

PT Surya Inti Primakarya, which operates in export, import, trading and customs services, was officially established legally. This entity is the forerunner of the business in the Trading and Services sector of TB Global Group.

BLKP Group inaugurates Representative Office in Kemayoran, North Jakarta.

BLKP Group inaugurates Representative Office in Kemayoran, North Jakarta.

Establishment of PT Intima Furnica Indonesia which operates in the furniture business sector, especially school furniture.

PT Global Indonesia Buana Perkasa was founded. This company is engaged in manufacturing ventilator turbines.

Starting a business in the Property and Construction sector by establishing PT Propertindo Alam Lestari with the Global Mas Warehouse Complex project and PT Bangun Bumi Anugerah with the Pemuda City Walk Building and Commercial House project.

PT Global Indonesia Asia Sejahtera (GIAS) has officially been legally confirmed and all the building materials distributor business consolidated as GIAS Group.

To realize the vision of becoming a national-scale company, in 2010 TB Global Group officially opened an office in Jakarta.

Trusted to be an Authenticated Dealer for Ramset, Rockwool and Akfix Products through PT Itewe Sarana Konstruksi.

PT Bumi Lancang Kuning Pusaka (BLKP) is legally confirmed as a lightweight steel manufacturing business and became the forerunner of BLKP Group.

TB Global Group opened the first distribution point for building materials on Java island, specifically in Bandung. This year we already have 10 building materials distribution points.

PT Riau Profilindo Abadi was established to produce a gypsum-based profile.

Opened the first lightweight steel factory in Pekanbaru. This factory was the forerunner to the establishment of the BLKP Group as a manufacturer of lightweight steel roofs and frames.

Mr. Toni Lim opened the first building shop in Pekanbaru, Riau under the name PD Tribuana which later changed its name to PT Tribuana Bumi Pusaka (TBP). This business became the forerunner of the entire company PT Tribuana Global Grup or TB Global Group.